Volumetric greasing system

Manual volumetric greasing station.
Volumetric dispensing insensitive to temperature variations.
Quantity independent of the operator and the intensity of pressure of the fixtures.
Clean dispensing without residue even after hundreds of cycles.
Compact design and easy to integrate.

Fields of application



Manual Volumetric Greasing Station

The customer needed a manual volumetric greasing station that would ensure precise and consistent dispensing, independent of temperature variations and operator pressure. It was essential to have a system that dispensed without residue and could maintain reliable performance even after hundreds of cycles. In addition, compactness and easy integration into the existing layout were crucial requirements.


Solution Provided

We have developed a manual volumetric greasing station that perfectly meets the customer’s needs: 

Precise and Reliable Dispensing

DAV 300 Volumetric Valve

Used to ensure precise and constant Grease dispensing, independent of temperature variations and operator pressure.

PP1-5 Pressure Plate Pump

Chosen for its reliability and ability to maintain clean, residue-free dispensing, even after numerous cycles.

Design and Functionality

Customized Fixtures

Custom-designed to adapt to different applications, ensuring correct and stable positioning of the component during dispensing.

Customized Nozzle

Allows for clean and precise dispensing, minimizing residue and ensuring uniform grease application.


Results and Benefits

The designed volumetric manual greasing station has satisfied all customer requirements. Dispensing was insensitive to temperature changes and operator pressure, ensuring consistent accuracy. Clean, residue-free dispensing, even after hundreds of cycles, improved operational efficiency and reduced the need for maintenance. The compact design allowed for easy integration into the existing system, optimizing space and improving overall productivity. 

Need more information?

If you need further information or have specific questions about our industrial dispensing solutions, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts is ready to assist you and provide all the answers you need!

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