Macon Fluorosil 607FG Silicone Greasing System

Manual volumetric dispensing of silicone grease.
Multi-point volumetric dispensing with just one simple motion, discover our Macon Fluorosil 607FG grease dispensing application.

Fields of application



Manual Volumetric dispensing of Silicone Grease

The customer needed a manual volumetric dispensing solution for Macon Fluorosil 607FG silicone grease that would enable multi-point dispensing in one simple motion. It was essential to ensure precision and ease of use, with a system that could efficiently handle silicone grease.


Solution Provided

To meet the customer’s needs, we have designed a manual volumetric dispensing system that integrates the following features: 

Multipoint Dispensing with Simplified Motion

Customized Fixtures

The system is equipped with a customized fixture that allows it to adapt to different applications and components, ensuring accurate and stable positioning during the dispensing process.

Customized Multipoint Nozzle

The multipoint nozzle is custom designed for simultaneous and precise dispensing of grease, improving efficiency and reducing application time.

High Precision Components

DAV 300 volumetric Valves

We use DAV 300 volumetric valves to ensure precise and consistent dispensing of silicone grease.

PP1-5 Pressure Plate Pump

The PP1-5 pressure plate pump is chosen for its reliability and ability to handle silicone grease with high precision.


Results and Benefits

The designed manual volumetric dispensing system enabled the customer to achieve effective and accurate dispensing of Macon Fluorosil 607FG silicone grease. The customized multi-point nozzle and custom fixture simplified the dispensing process, improving productivity and reducing the time it takes to complete each operation. The DAV 300 volumetric  valves and the PP1-5 pressure plate pump ensured reliable and precise dispensing, fully satisfying the customer’s needs. 

Need more information?

If you need further information or have specific questions about our industrial dispensing solutions, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts is ready to assist you and provide all the answers you need!

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