The resin coating allows to create an electro-insulating barrier around the electronic components, allowing them to not suffer breakages due to shocks, vibrations, changes in temperature and humidity.
With our systems it is possible to realize the:
- Dispensing of polyurethane resins
- Dispensing of epoxy resins
- Dispensing of silicone resins
Some of the main resin applications are:
- Potting on containers of electronic cards and connectors
- Encapsulation of electric motor parts
- Dispensing of protective resins on LED bars
but the application cases are many more.
The dispensing systems allow the perfect volumetric proportioning between resin and hardener and the correct mixing through the choice of the most suitable static mixer.
Resin systems allow remote dispensing to be managed, programming various recipes that recall different quantities to be dispensed, or that allow you to manage different flow rates (eg high flow rate for a quick first filling, and subsequent top-up with a lower flow rate).
If necessary it is possible to implement systems:
- Degassing of the resin to eliminate any air bubbles
- Resin heating to make it less viscous and allow a faster incorporation of the components
- Agitation of the resin to keep any charges inside it suspended.
Our process control systems allow you to instantly check and highlight any hardeners in one or both channels, controlling circuit pressure in real time, and if required identifying any air bubbles or controlling the effective through flow sensors dispensation compliance.